How it works

Registering, Logging in and joining the sale

1. Head to the Sale Page
First things first, you need to head over to the sale page by clicking on the banner on the homepage of this website.

2. Register or Logon
When you land on the sale page for the online auction, the first thing to do is either Register or Logon.

If you already have an online account with Tattersalls then you don’t need to Register again, you can just logon using your usual username/email and password.

3. Join Sale
Once you have logged on, if you return to the sale page you will now notice a “Join Sale” link. You only need to Join the Sale if you wish to bid. 

When you click this box you will be shown a dialog box which asks you to confirm your email address and phone number and to indicate what account you intend to buy on behalf of. If you are buying for the first time with Tattersalls you will need to download the relevant purchaser registration forms via the link or here:

You can also decide whether you wish to receive bidding notifications via text or email or both.

Please also indicate what name you would like published on the website should you be the successful bidder.

When you ask to Join a Sale you are effectively asking for permission to bid on that sale. If you do not wish to bid, then you do not need do this. 

When you submit this form you will be asked to validate BOTH your email and mobile number (even if you do not wish to receive notifications to both of these). You can validate your email by clicking on the link on the email you receive. You will be texted a PIN number to enter to validate your mobile number.

After you ask to Join Sale you will need to wait for a member of the Tattersalls accounts team to approve your application. This is something that you will need to do for every sale you wish to bid on. You can see below that it says “Bidding Approval Pending”


Once you’ve been approved to bid, you’ll be notified by either text or email or both depending on what you selected. You will also receive a notification when the bidding has opened on the sale.

If you click on the “LOTS” tab at the top of the sale page you will see a list of the lots in the sale and also when the bidding on each horse ends and what the current bid for those horses are.

If you want to bid on a horse or see more details for that horse you need to click on the Lot number which takes you to the horse detail page which includes the bidding window, details any declared vices & declarations, any documentation that the consignor has uploaded, links to any x-rays or endoscopes that have been lodged (only accessible by registered veterinarians), contact details and location for inspections and any comments the vendor has added.

When you look at the bidding window, there are several things to note.

  1. A) Bidding Ends shows when the bidding for this horse will end and shows you how long there is before the sale ends. When there is less that 15 minutes remaining the time remaining with change colour to orange and when there is less that 5 minutes remaining it will turn red.
  2. B) You can see what the highest bid at the moment is and if the horse is unreserved it will be indicated here. You will also be able to see how many bidders and bids there have been.
  3. C) If you wish to make a bid you do so here. You are offered the next bid available (£5,500 here) but you can select a higher amount by clicking on the dropdown button and selecting a higher amount.
  4. D) If you wish to set a Maximum Bid you do so here by selecting an amount from the dropdown button. The Tattersalls Online system will bid automatically on your behalf. Your bid will only increase when necessary because another user has placed a bid or against the reserve price of a lot.
  5. E) If you want to add a horse to your shortlist, click on the thumb next to the PDF button.
  6. F) You can pause the notifications you are receiving by email/text by clicking ‘Pause’ here. You will also be able to ‘Resume’ notifications here as well.


If you make a bid you will be shown the Confirm Your Bid window where you need to click Confirm Bid.

You can now see that yours is the highest bid.

Your Bids

Once you have made a bid a new tab will appear at the top of the page when you click on “Lots” called “My Bids”. This is where you can monitor all of the horses you have been bidding on and easily see which ones you are the highest bidder for and what you have been outbid on.

If you click on the information icon (‘i’) next to Highest Bid you will see what each of the colours mean.


If you click on the ‘like’ icon next to any lot number then you are adding that horse to your shortlist which, like MyBids, you will be able to find by clicking on the ’Shortlist’ tab that also appears.

You can also add a horse to your shortlist on the horse detail page by clicking the like button above the bidding window.

Winning Bid

If you are the highest bidder when the sale ends, you will be sent both an email and text to let you know this. You will also be shown a Confirmation of Purchase window to fill out where you can indicate what name you would like to be displayed on the website. You can also indicate the account that the purchase should be on. If you fail to complete this form within 10 minutes of the completion of the sale, then we will use the Purchaser name that you indicated when you filled in the Join Sale dialog box.


If you are a vendor you will be able to set reserves and starting bids for your consignment on the Tattersalls Account website.

1. Login into the Tattersalls Account and navigate to Bloodstock Sales and the Catalogued Lots.

2. A list of your lots is shown where you can click on “Set Details”. This is where you can add contact and inspection details for your horse as well as set the reserve and starting bid. These can be amended online before the start of the sale.

If as a vendor you wish to bid on your own lot you will also need to ‘Join Sale’ as detailed above.

Monitoring a sale

Consignors do not need to Join a Sale unless they would like to bid on their own horse.

If you click on the “LOTS” link you will be able to see a tab with “MY LOTS” where you can see a list of all your lots and whether they have met the reserve yet or are selling.

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